The academic year begins in May and ends in March. Regular classes for IX, X and XII start in the 1st week of May. Rest of the classes (LKG to VIII) will start in the 1 week of June.The school works from Monday to Friday, First / Third / Fourth /Fifth Saturday will be declared working days on emergency

1. Foundaonal Stage
Nursery to KG
Classes cons􀆟tute the play way method and also acti􀆟vity
learning method transi􀆟on ac􀆟vi􀆟es are encouraged facilita􀆟ng
both natural and plan transi􀆟on.
Class I – II
Classes cons􀆟tute to promote mul􀆟 lingualism and
technological educa􀆟on. We also give importance to students
prac􀆟cal knowledge and skill based learning.
2. Preparatory Stage
Classes III to V cons􀆟tute the Sec􀆟on. The following subjects are
taught in this stage : English, Hindi, Malayalam, Mathema􀆟cs,
EVS, Library, Music, Art, Dance, Value Educa􀆟on and Physical
3. Middle Stage
Classes VI to VIII cons􀆟tute the sec􀆟on. The following subjects
are taught in this stage : English, Hindi, Malayalam,
Mathema􀆟cs, Science, Social Science, Library, Visual and
Performing Arts, Work Educa􀆟on, Value Educa􀆟on & Gender
Studies and Physical Educa􀆟on.
4. Secondary Stage
Secondary Sec_on
Classes IX and X are considered as the Secondary Sec􀆟on.
Students need to study only two languages, English and
Malayalam / Hindi at the Secondary level.
Senior Secondary Sec_on
Classes XI and XII are considered as the Senior Secondary
Specifica􀆟on is offered at this level leading to the All India
Senor School Cer􀆟ficate Examina􀆟on on CBSE.
Subjects : i) English (Core)
ii) General Studies
iii) Work Experience
iv) Physical Educa􀆟on
Science Stream
Elec_ve : i) Physics
ii) Chemistry
iii) Mathema􀆟cs
iv) Biology
v) Computer Science
Commerce Stream
Elec_ve : i) Business Studies
ii) Accountancy
iii) Economics
iv) Mathema􀆟cs / Malayalam /
Infor. Prac􀆟ces
Regular a􀆩endance in class is must for promo􀆟on. A student
who fails to secure 85% a􀆩endance will not be considered for
However, this may be condoned to the extent of 15% on
medical ground.
No children is expected to be absent from school without genuine
reason and a leave applica􀆟on from the parent / guardian is
mandatory. If a child con􀆟nues to be absent for seven working days
without any valid leave applica􀆟on, his/her name will be removed
from the rolls of this school.
In case of absence due to sickness, for more than 2 days, a medical
cer􀆟ficate should be submi􀆩ed to the Principal along with the leave
applica􀆟on on the day of rejoining the school. During Tests and
Examina􀆟ons, no leave will be granted except on unavoidable
medical grounds, approved by the Principal. A􀆩endance in remedial
Classes and Revision Classes is mandatory.
Transfer Cer_ficate
Applica􀆟on for transfer cer􀆟ficate (T.C) should be

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